Punches, kicks and blocks have never been as much fun. This course provides an understanding of aqua boxing techniques such as punches, kicks and guard positions. Enhances the use of the Acquapole® station to diversified populations.
You will learn:
- Equipment technical details
- Boxing Positions
- Class structure
- You will be guided on how to structure a class and key elements of being a successful instructor
- Acquapole TONE (ACQT001)
- Acquapole Standard Pole and Boxing Bag equipment
- Technical Evaluation
- Practical Evaluation – 15 minute lesson video format to be evaluated by a group of registered Acquapole® Master Trainers.
- 4 CEU units provided by AEA, Australia Fitness
*Please take careful note that any course under the Acquapole® category must be executed on an Acquapole® branded equipment. Practical videos submitted for evaluation on any equipment that is NOT Acquapole® will automatically be rejected and considered a failed attempt. The name of Acquapole and all its similar variations- Acquapole, AcquaPole, Aqua Pole, Aquapole“ are a trademark name and can only be used by certified instructors.